This mask is made of Charcoal which other commercial products also use for their nose strips.

This product is from Japan, but it states here that it's made from Korea.




  1. Cuci muka dengan air suam/Guna tuala basahkan dengan air suam dan letakkan kat muka
  2. Untuk kesan lebih efektif, stim muka korg... (leh letak tuala panas/suam pada muka korg/apa2 jer aslkan muka korg dpt haba utk liang pori seng buka...)
  3. Pastikn muka korg tul2 kering tau...
  4. Ikat rambut korg tau (spy rmbut xkena dengan 'mask')
  5. Ambil jumlah/amount yg kecil/sdkit...
  6. Letak/Sapu mula2 dekt hidung/tmpt yg korg nk buang bintik2... (1 muka pun boleh.. hihi)
  7. Then, sapu sekali lagi lpsn bila lapisan yg 1st tadi dh serap ckit kat muka/kuilit. 
  8. So biarkn kering.. Better jgn ckp nnt berkerut lak n xbape jadi... hehehe 
  9. Tunggu 10-15 mnit utk kering (leh guba kipas/air-cond utk kering cepat) 
  10. All dried up! Ready to take it off. 
  11. Tarik mask perlahan2 n lembut.
  12. Sis kemudian dpt tgk hasilnya...

Boleh perasan banyak bulu/rmbut dimuka tercabut gak... tp jgn risau k...!

Okay, I don't know if you notice the difference but this is my observation based from my experience:

  • Facial hairs are removed
  • Blackheads are also removed (it can't be seen in the mask because the mask is also color black)
  • Only few whiteheads are removed
  • Your face will be tightened after using the mask


Here are the reasons why this mask is NOT EFFECTIVE on you:
  • Your pores are closed (steam first you face)
  • Your application is thin (you can put the second coating before it dries up)
  • It's not already dry when you peeled it off (make sure that all parts are already dry)
  • Your nose will not be cleared in one application (like mine, when I first tried it, only a few change, but when I'm using it twice a week, I see a lot of change)
  • You're allergic to it (So please if you're skin got irritated, remove the mask as soon as possible by using water) Please consult first to your doctor if you have a sensitive skin.

USAGE: Once or twice a week

TIPS: I prefer you use this mask before going to sleep and don't wash your face anymore (because you have just waxed your facial hair)

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